In a significant development from Health Canada, the Honourable Ya’ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, announced a visionary new budget plan titled “Budget 2024: Fairness for Every Generation” during her visit to the University of Manitoba. This announcement highlights the government’s commitment toRead More →

Ontario’s Healthcare Staffing Challenges   In a recent development, it has been revealed that hospitals and long-term care homes in Ontario spent nearly $1 billion in 2023 to fill shifts with nurses and personal support workers from private staffing agencies. This significant expenditure marks a concerning increase from the previousRead More →

Article 1: Guelph Receives $18 Million to Combat Substance Use Harms Published: August 29, 2023 The Canadian Government is investing over $18 million to address substance use harms in Guelph, Ontario. This funding will empower local organizations, healthcare providers, and community groups to develop and implement programs focused on prevention,Read More →

In response to the growing importance of providing optimal care for our aging population, the Government of Canada has taken a significant stride by initiating an online consultation for the Safe Long-Term Care Act. This crucial step reflects the government’s commitment to improving long-term care services in the country. TheRead More →