Cases of cancer attained by age group and sex of Canadians from 2014 to 2018.

This graph talks about cancer. The primary types of cancer, and its prevalence duration in Canadians in each province.

The type of cancer, its duration, and the attained age group and sex of Canadians.

The year 2014 to the year 2018.

Source: Health canada.

Age Group7 Total, all ages
Sex Both sexes
Primary types of cancer (ICD-O-3)3, 4 Total, all primary sites of cancer8
Prevalence duration 2-year duration
Geography9 Characteristics2, 10, 11 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Canada (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases .. .. .. .. ..
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion .. .. .. .. ..
Canada (excluding Quebec) Number
Total number of cancer cases 2,18,170 2,21,505 2,27,290 2,32,560 2,36,785
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 804.2 808.2 820.4 828.7 832.1
Newfoundland and Labrador6 (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 5,105 5,370 5,485 5,665 5,655
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 967.5 1,016.80 1,037.30 1,071.10 1,073.10
Prince Edward Island3 (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 1,325 1,325 1,330 1,350 1,340
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 918.9 917.5 912.5 907.7 881.4
Nova Scotia (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 9,025 8,970 9,090 9,280 9,045
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 960.6 956.8 967.4 980.4 947.2
New Brunswick (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 7,155 7,205 7,210 7,275 7,350
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 943 949.4 947.3 950.9 956
Quebec (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases .. .. .. .. ..
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion .. .. .. .. ..
Ontario6 (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 1,14,455 1,15,925 1,19,220 1,22,550 1,27,280
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 843.8 848.5 864.5 877 896.6
Manitoba3, 12 (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 9,530 9,680 9,765 9,920 9,880
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 749.3 752.9 749.3 748.9 735
Saskatchewan3 (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 8,235 8,205 8,175 8,295 8,340
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 744.3 734.6 724.4 725.4 720.9
Alberta3 (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 25,795 27,120 28,655 29,180 29,200
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 639.7 659.2 687.1 691.5 683.5
British Columbia (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 37,030 37,180 37,785 38,435 38,035
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 793.2 784.1 784.3 785.7 766.4
Yukon (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 225 220 240 275 275
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 610.9 588 629.6 703 684.9
Northwest Territories (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 210 225 230 230 260
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 479 510.7 517.5 513.6 578.7
Nunavut (map) Number
Total number of cancer cases 85 80 95 110 120
Rate per 100,000 population
Cancer prevalence proportion 238.4 220.8 258.6 295.2 317
Symbol legend:
.. not available for a specific reference period